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Diet & Nutritional Advice

I will look at your current diet and advise ways to improve in order to help you reach your goals.


Influencing nutrition, activity, mindset and lifestyle creates the best opportunity for you to maintain behavioural change outcomes and for longer.


Diet and nutrition is essential for reducing fat.  You may have the best defined six pack in the world, but if there’s a layer of fat covering it, you’re not going to see it. 


You can’t burn fat solely from your belly (known as spot reduction) by doing sit ups.  Losing weight is a whole-body process.


Behind every layer of fat, there’s toned muscles just trying to get out!


I realise that long, boring training programmes are the last thing you want and there’s nothing more soul – destroying than months and months of graft.


I am not going to lie – you will probably have to make some lifestyle adjustments as well as take a look at your diet.


If you’re not eating the right food to underpin your fitness journey, then all your efforts will go unnoticed.

My fitness programmes will allow for significant fitness and strength gains and will give you the ability and motivation to continue for as long as possible.


Increasing muscle has a knock-on effect that helps you keep excess weight off.  Your body becomes a metabolic machine because muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, even at rest – WIN, WIN.


Training is not just about your workouts in the gym, it continues when you get home.


All you need to do is stick with it and you will find that you enjoy the training and the positive effects it has on your life.


Whatever level of fitness you are starting with, the only way to make progress and see improvements is to keep challenging yourself and your body.


It’s not about how long your workout is, it’s whether you are really pushing yourself during your workout, rather than just cruising through your workout.


Your current fitness level will dictate where you begin, so it is important to be realistic.


If the most exercise you have done recently is getting rid of the rubbish from your left over takeaway, then don’t kid yourself that you can go straight into advanced training.


Remember though, this is YOUR JOURNEY, so don’t be looking at what others are doing in the gym.  You will certainly be feeling the same resistance as them.


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