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What is NLP?

NLP is a fast, powerful and content free way to help people.


NLP uses linguistics to help people see things differently just by having a conversation with well-placed questions and challenging what comes out of your mouth.


NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming.  


Lets break that down a little!


It is our mind and our mindset.  It is about how you process information and experience the world (your nervous system).

The mind is like an iceberg.  The bit that sits above the water line is our conscious mind – our logical thinking mind.

The bit underneath the water line is the bigger mass which we call the unconscious mind. Essentially, it runs everything you are not conscious of such as our hormones, heart, breathing etc.

Your values, memories, habits, beliefs, strategies etc sit at the unconscious mind and it is what controls our behaviours, so it makes sense that our conscious mind is going to struggle to control our unconscious mind.


This is about the language (verbal and non-verbal communication) and processing information by using our five senses, gut instincts and your intuition.

It is the internal dialogue that is often forgotten about.  We can take ourselves in and out of things and you can argue with yourself in your head due to conflicts you may have.


These are the process and strategies we run and use to achieve results.

We run thousands of programmes every single day and we do not do it consciously.  They are the things we do automatically in our head.

What we say is, the surface level (tip of the iceberg) which is the end result of what iss going on underneath the waves in the deep structure.  When we change things at the deep level, then we start to change what comes out at the surface level.

“I am not good enough” into “I am totally good enough”.

An extremely brief history of NLP ….

NLP formally began back in the 1970s in California and was founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

Bandler was interested in why some therapists were more effective than others and searched for clues as to what made them so successful.


Grinder helped Bandler analyse these transcripts by using his expertise in linguistics.  Between them, they spotted a specific set of patterns and as a result NLP arrived.

How can NLP help YOU?

The massive advantage of NLP coaching over conventional coaching is the speed at which transformation can be achieved.

NLP has the potential to bring out significant change in hours or even minutes, which would take significantly longer with more conventional coaching techniques.


It does not require you to discuss any of the details of your life experience because NLP is content free.   You will not have to re-live any of your past or dissect your past behaviour or events.


Remember NLP is easy, comfortable and powerful.


Are you excited to take positive action that helps you to realise your full potential?


Can’t wait to be that person you always knew you were capable of being, yet something always got in the way?


I am here and ready to help you achieve your full potential.  Why wait?

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